Nourish, Nourish the Quiet Goodbye

Truman Kelsey
Dec 11, 2020

Every first and second cry
Every mumbled “hello, handsome”
when lovers’ eyes are closed
Every beat in every chest
Every clap of one, two hands
Every whimper in the night
Every birdsong there at dawn,
each heavy breath,
each false silence,
each subtle hum
riding the nape of waves,
waiting and hanging in the air
to then be held in-hand
and live like fireflies on shelves
– waiting not to be seen,
but praying to be heard.



Truman Kelsey

I am a St. Louis-based writer. I live with a wonderful woman and our cat. My serial, “The Mother from White Letters,” can be found on Kindle Vella and Wattpad.